Our Therapists
Alicia Earles & Tom Barton are both Certified & Licensed Colon Hydrotherapists in the State of Florida. Both Colon Therapists are members of I-Act (International Association of Colon Therapy) and share the same basic philosophy “The body is constantly healing, so why not give it the support it needs?”
Alicia Earles
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Colon Therapist
Certified Health Coach
License No. MA 78712
Available: Tuesday-Saturday 8:00am-3:30pm
Tom Barton
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Colon Therapist
License No. MA 90714
Available: Sunday & Monday: 9am-5pm;
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 3:30-8pm
- Does a colonic hurt?
- Could I get injured? (punctured colon, etc)
- Is it covered by insurance?
- Will I be naked during the procedure?
- Can I eat beforehand…do I have to fast?
- What is the background of colonics?
- If I’m uncomfortable, can the practitioner stop the colonic?
- How sanitary is the procedure?
- Can I watch a movie during the procedure?
- It is estimated; over 70 million Americans suffer from bowel problems.
- Colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S. Over 100,000 Americans die annually from this disease.
- 100,000 people undergo colostomies in the U.S. per year.
- Many people who aren’t aware they have a bowel problem, are often in the worst condition of all!
“Take care of your body.
It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn